Friday, December 10, 2010


The growth of tourism in any country would undoubtedly have its effects, be it good or bad. These effects can either be physical (infrastructure etc) or non physical(cultural loss etc). How it has affected Philippines? I shall discuss it in the following paragraphs.

There is a need to add in new infrastructure or renew current infrastructure to meet with the demands of the tourists is does not actually mean that tourists are getting more demanding but with a growth in tourism, certain current infrastructure just cannot support the sheer size of tourists. For example, the Terminal 2 of Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) was opened in 1999 in what I think is to lighten the load and ease the traffic in Terminal 1.

In addition the never ending projects for shopping malls and recreational facilities in a hope to increase tourism receipts. Or the plans to improve transportation such as new routes to shorten travelling time for tourists. It may or may not benefit the locals as there is always a probability for new infrastructure being white elephants. For example, Terminal 3 of NAIA has been partially built and abandoned since 2002.

With tourists flowing in from all over the world, Filipinos working in the Tourism Sector have to at least know a handful of key phrases to help them go about their work. They are after all the ones who first interact with the tourist. However if not supervised, the Filipino language might be diluted like some of the early languages of early settlers when the Spanish came.

With Philippines being more globalised, its people's knowledge in warfare has also increased. In addition, terrorist groups such as the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has managed to spread its teachings to Southern Philippines region. With the increase in tourism, such groups see a way to make its demands known to the government. For example, in 2008, 6 were killed in a bus bombing Digos City, Davao del Sur.

The growth in tourism generally has allowed Philippines to improve its standards of living (infrastructure improvements) and indirectly caused their people to be more educated (increased fluency in language). However, it also brings about unwanted attention from terrorists groups looking for a media thus affecting the peace in Philippines. In conclusion, tourism has not only changed the country at surface level but also at a deep level.

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